Heike Monogatari (Dub) A young orphan named Biwa is taken in by the powerful Taira Clan—also known as the Heike—after their leader witnesses her extraordinary psychic abil...
Kochira Katsushikaku Kameari Kouenmae Hashutsujo The Movie The wicked multi-billionaire, Shinatora, builds wretched, ugly buildings. The explosives genius calling himself Benten has targeted Shinatora's empire and begin...
Blue Archive The Animation The anime will adapt the "Countermeasures Committee" arc. The city's academies are divided into their own districts and are considered mostly independent. The...
Daimajuu Gekitou Hagane no Oni In the year 1999, a team of UN scientists in an attempt to tap into a new energy resource on a deserted island called Sansara, unknownigly open a portal to anot...
Galaxy Devastators With the opening of the interstellar colonial era, humanity finally spread the core values of civilization to the entire galaxy. The warship cannon that destroy...
Spriggan (ONA) A great civilization once existed on this Earth. Possessing knowledge and scientific prowess far exceeding that of modern man, the relics of this ancient civili...
Oshiri Kajiri Mushi 3 A gag comedy about Oshiri Kajiri Mushi XVIII, a 10-year-old insect who goes to Biting School to inherit his family's Biting Shop business....
Cyborg 009 VS Devilman (Dub) After discovering the existence of demons in Tokyo, the original Cyborg crew led by Dr. Gilmore find themselves in conflict with Devilman, a strong demon believ...
Meng Qi Shi Shen: Huanxi Zhui Hun The third season of Meng Qi Shi Shen....
Project A-Ko (Dub) Sixteen years have passed since a mysterious alien ship crashed on Earth. Graviton City, once leveled by the ship's crash, is now a bustling metropolis. Within ...
Pokemon: Senritsu no Mirage Pokemon (Dub) Dr. Yung, an enigmatic Pokémon scientist, has developed a new Mirage system that uses computer data to resurrect extinct Pokémon, like Kabutops an...
Kouchuu Ouja Mushiking: Mori no Tami no Densetsu Popo was a boy living with his mother in woods. One day, strange things happened, and that made his mother turn into a plantlike figure. She says, "Popo, please...
Di Gi Charat Ohanami Special The Ohamami Special consisted of four independent episodes of Di Gi Charat with no continuation that aired in Spring 2001 in Japan. • Ohanami Special Episo...
Pop Team Epic Kinen This is a 2:15 (4:30 including the rerun) short created to promote the Japan Racing Association’s Umabi service. The short is available at https://umabi.j...
Shin Getter Robo vs. Neo Getter Robo Years after the defeat of the Reptilian Empire, Getter Team has begun training on a new super robot, Neo Getter Robo. But a surprise attack from the Empire's re...
Akazukin Chacha OVA Following the original TV series, the story tells the efforts of Momiji Gakuen, Chacha's rival school principal, to discover what is so special about Urara Gaku...
Gin'iro no Olynsis: Tokito AD 3567. Mankind has lost its once great civilization, now living in the ruins of the aftermath. But even though their lives are threatened by Gardeners —...
C Danchi (Dub) Housing Complex C centers around Kimi, who lives in a small, low-cost housing complex located in the seaside town of Kurosaki where trouble seems to follow her ...
Meitantei Conan OVA 05: Hyouteki wa Kogoro! Shounen Tanteidan Maruchichousa Receiving a class assignment to research a profession the detective boys decide to shadow Kogoro for a day....
Tamayomi (Dub) Yomi Takeda and Tamaki Yamazaki have loved baseball since they were kids. They used to play catch together whenever possible, and in doing so, Yomi discovered h...
Jaku-Chara Tomozaki-kun OVA Unaired episodes included in the third and fourth Blu-ray/DVD volumes....
Ishida to Asakura Anime adaptation of the surreal gag manga about two high school boys, Ishida and Asakura. ...
Inazuma Eleven the Movie (Dub) An organization in the future sends the specially trained Team Ogre to defeat Endou Mamoru and his team, to prevent him from influencing the world with his socc...
Steel Angel Kurumi 2 (Sub) Taking place 75 years after the first series, Steel Angel Kurumi 2 brings the Steel Angels in a new mis-adventure. High school student and aspiring cellist Nako...
Soukou Kihei Votoms Recaps A summarized version of the TV series in 4 parts...
World Fool News Part II Direct continuation of World Fool News (TV)....
Black Jack: The Two Doctors of Darkness The mega-corporate Daedalus Group is under attack by a small group of activists known as the Ghost of Icarus. While taking care of some of the victims of the bo...
Aru Asa Dummy Head Mic ni Natteita Ore-kun no Jinsei The slapstick comedy revolves around a protagonist who was reincarnated into a dummy head microphone (a microphone embedded in a fake human head to faithfully r...
Cardcaptor Sakura: Leave It to Kero-chan Following the events of Cardcaptor Sakura Movie 2: The Sealed Card, Kero and Spinel (if you don't know who they are, watch Cardcaptor Sakura and the movie first...
Fire x Fire (Chinese Audio) Rang Women Shao Ba...
Magical Nyan Nyan Taruto (Dub) Taruto is a little cat who has just moved to a new city with her master's family. Taruto spends her days making friends and exploring her new home town. She als...
Break Blade (TV): Virgins War Fight between Nike and Narvi after both lose their Golems. Included in the Blu-ray Box release of the TV series....
Kick-Heart Kick-Heart is a love story between Romeo, a successful pro-wrestler, and Juliet, a nun who lives a secret double-life as a female pro-wrestler. Romeo’s se...
Tokyo Godfathers (Dub) It's Christmas Eve and three homeless friends have experienced their own Christmas miracle: while rummaging in a dump for a Christmas present, they discover a n...
Azumanga Web Daioh Chiyo brings a video camera to school for a class project. But when Tomo gets a hold of it, heaps of trouble happen all over campus....
Kaitou Reinya Reinya appears to be an ordinary girl working at a convenience store but she is in fact, the Phantom Thief Reinya. Together with her assistant Chūtarō in thei...