Uryuu Kamihate is a high school student striving to enter Kyoto University’s medical school. After being raised at an orphanage, Uryuu is taken in by the chief priest at Amagami Shrine, where he...
Magical Taruruto-kun is a magical boy, fighting, and comedy TV show based on the manga of the same name by Tatsuya Egawa which ran in Weekly Shounen Jump....
Fifth grader Edojou Honmaru is one of the most trodden upon losers in his class, untuil he meets Magical Taruruuto-kun. Taruruuto's powers help him deal with all his hardships, such as girls, bullies,...
In their (overabundance of) free time, the gods grew bored and decided to create challenging battles of wits to spice things up! Their opponent? Humanity! A select few players called “apostles&r...
The second season of Kanojo mo Kanojo. After their hot springs trip, Naoya continues his relationships with both Saki and Nagisa. Bringing along Milika (who kissed Naoya) and Shino (who secretly has ...
One thousand years ago, Leonis Death Magnus, undead sorcerer and the greatest of the Dark Lords, entered magical stasis during a climactic battle. When he awakens, he finds a beautiful silver-haired y...
The second cour of Mushoku Tensei II: Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu....
The fifth season of Date A Live. ...
An aspiring novelist teams up with an enigmatic colleague to solve supernatural urban mysteries! Ogawa Sumireko is a busty bookstore clerk who wants to become a novelist after some writing success in ...
The second season of Kanojo mo Kanojo.After their hot springs trip, Naoya continues his relationships with both Saki and Nagisa. Bringing along Milika (who kissed Naoya) and Shino (who secretly h...
The fifth season of Date A Live....
The second season of Kimi to Boku no Saigo no Senjou, Aruiwa Sekai ga Hajimaru Seisen....
“I have no interest in real girls!” So claims Okumura, the president of the school’s manga club. He’s your typical otaku, obsessed with a sexy (fictional) 2D manga character kn...
The second season of Megami no Café Terrace....
The demon-filled dimension known as "Mato" has opened to threaten humanity, and a type of "peach" tree that grows there yields fruit that confers special powers to those who eat it, giving humanity a ...
Satou and his best friend, Hime, have been together for as long as he can remember. So when she tells him she's going back to her home world to get married, his first thought is to follow her and cras...
Naoe-kun, a massage therapist, is about to head home for the day when he’s saddled with a rather strange patient. This lovely lady has emerald eyes, pointy ears, and grew up in the forest–...
By finding a rare Action Kamen card, Shinnosuke Nohara and his family end up being chosen to go to a parallel world and help foil an alien invasion that is occurring over there. (Source: Anime News N...
A band of criminals want to get the treasure of the famous Treasure Island, but the key of the treasure chamber is guarded by a little kid. Then, they come to Japan and kidnap Shinosuke Nohara by mist...
Shinnosuke found a black marble near a sleeping travestite and Himawari swallows it. That marble is necessary for summoning an evil demon, so the Noharas are chased by some ninja clans....
A modern horror style fantasy depicting a laughable adventure in Gunma Hender Land, the largest theme park in the north areas around Tokyo. Nohara family fight with Toppema Muppet (a talking doll from...
A member of the Time Patrol finds out that there is a disturbance in Japan, 1570. While heading to that particular time and location to investigate, she is attacked and ends up stuck underground the N...
Hiragi Utena is a major fangirl of the magical girls protecting her city, so when she has the chance to become one herself, she leaps at the chance to join their technicolor ranks… but when she...
After being a shut-in, Haruto is reincarnated as a baby. And amazingly, that baby is a prince! However, he's abandoned in a forest on the day he's born because of his low magic level... What will be t...
"I know! I'll become a monk!" Akagami Akemitsu has spent his days and nights absorbed in studying and part-time work in an effort to distance himself from his family, which is notorious as a household...
Yoshizou Yukawa is a passionate hot springs enthusiast—a hot springs hunter who was able to sniff out the source of springs. One day, while searching for a hidden hot spring to revitalize a town...
After his embarrassing defeat at the hands of a brave hero, the Demon Lord is back and ready for revenge… but after ten years apart, the hero, Max, isn’t the dashing do-gooder the Demon L...
At Academy Island, everything is settled through "Games" waged for a certain number of stars, with the strongest student being granted the ranking of Seven Stars. Hiroto, a transfer student, unexpecte...