The sequel to the famous Medabots series, following the continuing adventures of Ikki and Metabee. The two encountered a strange enemy named Jinkai and the so called Death Medabots. Along with Nae and...
A team of scientists use the DNA of a rare Pokemon, Mew, to create the world's strongest Pokemon, Mewtwo. Not wanting to be used as an experiment, Mewtwo uses its psychic powers in a violent rage to d...
Young Molly Hale is a 5-year old girl who has lost her father to the Unown, a strange group of Pokemon who can make a person's dreams real by using their Psychic energy. One day she accidently release...
Teppei is going to visit his older brother Kotaro Takamiya during a scientific conference after training with a mysterious woman named Karen for the past 11 years. However his plans for a family reuni...
After the death of Saizou, Kabamaru's horribly strict grandfather and Iga ninja teacher (sensei), an old lady, Ran Akoko, claims that she received a letter from him asking her to take care of his gran...
The crew comes upon Crown Island where the animals can talk and they makes Chopper their new king. But there are human hunters there also looking for the legendary horns that will give the person who ...
Headmasters starts with Galvatron leading a new batch of Destrons to wage war on Seibertron, the Destron Headmasters. The Cybertrons are rescued by the arrival of the Cybertron Headmasters, led by For...
Two worlds exist, both unaware of the existance of the other. In order for one world to flourish, the other will have to perish. On the perishing world, a Chosen one is sent on a journey to restore th...
The third and final OVA series concluding the story of Tales of Symphonia: The Animation....
At a time when the balance of nature still held the civilizations of mankind in thrall, a single drought could spell the end of a society and doom its inhabitants to piteous deaths. Prince Chagum has ...
The movie is a retelling of the Drum Island arc with new music and animation. Vivi has been removed from the plot while both Nico Robin and Franky, who joined the crew after the Drum Island arc, have ...
A group of enigmatic white-haired children has been spotted at different times and places in Europe for over 500 years. Always with the appearance of 11-year-olds, they behave far more mature than the...
In the distant future, because of an interplanetary war that had continued on for centuries, civilizations were ruined. Human beings have lost everything, and only 1/5th of the population survived. A ...
A year has passed since the Star Force returned to save the Earth but another danger now approaches from deep space. A gigantic White Comet hurtles toward our galaxy, obliterating everything in its pa...
In the distant future, the war between the human race and the Gamilon has taken its toll on the planet Earth. Constant bombardment of radioactive asteroids has rendered the planet's atmosphere uninhab...
Eva's birthday has just passed, and she hasn't heard from her father. Despising the Boarding School she attends, she escapes using her Rocket Bike that she just completed. Taking on the alias "Molly,"...
Lina, Gourry, Zelgadis, and Amelia coincidently meet up again and begin to search for the Clair Bible. During their search they run into a mysterious priest named Xelloss who seems to know a thing or ...
After a motocross accident, Show Zama was pulled from Japan into the mystical world of Byston Well, where he and others from Earth were reicruited by Lord Drake Luft to pilot his newest weapons, the A...
The once famous and well respected scientist Zorndyke has bred a new genre of living being, one that thrives on the oceans and lives to destroy humans. Zorndyke believes it is time that the humans wer...
In 1889, the world is on the pinnacle of great discoveries in technology. In mankind's grasp for the future, a sinister foe known only as Gargoyle, obsessed with restoring the former Atlantean empire ...
To save both the Magical Kingdom and the Heavens and restore the flow of akuto, the flow of energy of everything, the Magical King Munto must follow a vision and find the girl Yumemi in the normal wor...
In the land of Kuruda, warriors with magical powers and incredible fighting skills battle for the ultimate prize: the title of Sevaar, the strongest warrior in the land. Elle Ragu, nicknamed Shadow Sk...
Grade schooler Yuuta Tominaga stumbles upon Deckerd, a humanoid robot under construction by the Japanese police, built to fight advanced forms of crime. Yuuta's constant contact with Deckerd gives the...
Betrayed from within and overwhelmed by dark sorcery, the valiant armies of Pars are overrun by the warrior-fanatics of Rucitania. Escaping the destruction of his homeland, the heroic Prince Arislan b...
Juna was just an ordinary high-school girl, right up until the day she died in a motorcycle accident. But there, in the twilight of death, she saw the future of the barren earth destroyed by the Raaja...
It is the dark century and the people are suffering under the rule of the devil, Vandel, who is able to manipulate monsters. The Vandel Busters are a group of people who hunt these devils, and among t...
In the kingdom of Forland, a coup d'etat occurs which leads to the death of the King. In the last moments of his life, the King sends his only child, Princess Alita Forland to escape. Unfortunately, w...
After a mysterious eathquake levels Tokyo, Genom becomes a powerful influence providing their artificial organic lifeforms called Boomers to rebuild and act as a labor class to humanity. However, some...
The story is set in the year 311 of the Orbital Calendar, when humanity has migrated to countless colony clusters in space. A space colony girl named Akiha Shishidou encounters a malevolent artificial...
In the year 2010 AD, Hyper Hurricanes born concurrently all over the world caused severe damage. Five billion people lost their lives, decreasing the world's population to 3 billion. Existing economie...
Thousands of years ago, the evil emperor Talpa attempted to conquer the Earth. Defeated, he was banished to the Nether Realm and his armor was divided into 9 separate suits. Now, he has returned to co...
Ten years after the Great War against the demon-beasts, the empire rules over the world and prosperity relies on the massive use of aer.Yuri Lowell and Flynn Scifo are two young men who have just enro...
The Side 6 space colony is a neutral oasis in the war between Zeon and the Earth Federation. Alfred Izuruha, a ten-year-old boy, finds relief from the tedium of schoolwork by following the war's progr...
Lina Inverse, a wandering sorceress and bandit-killer, joins forces with roving swordsman Gourry Gabriev in what's supposed to be a quick union of convenience. Instead, an artifact Lina "liberated" fr...
Remi lives with his mother in a French village. His father, Barberin, works in Paris. When he returns wounded and hard-hearted, Remi discovers he is actually a foundling. Barberin sells Remi to a trav...
Thousands of years ago, it was a time of witchcraft and dark magic. An evil sorceress has bewitched the emperor of the mighty dynasty and he has become a mindless puppet. The country is in shambles an...