Continuation of Houkago Shounen Hanako-kun. The spirit Hanako-kun and his human assistant, first-year student Nene Yashiro, keep the peace between supernatural forces and the students of Kamome Acade...
Chizuko, who lives in Sakai City, Niigata Prefecture, is an otaku girl who is a big fan of the magical girl Berry Blossom who protects the city against the evil organisation Fossa Magna. However, nobo...
Taiyou Asano is a super shy high school student and the only person he can talk to is his childhood friend, Mutsumi Yozakura. It turns out that Mutsumi is the daughter of the ultimate spy family! Even...
The second season of Hyakushou Kizoku....
When you're the infamous prodigy hitman known only as “Fable,” many things come easy. Being a normal person, however, isn't one of them. In fact, being told that he can't kill anyone for a...
OVAs included with each Yuru Camp△ SEASON 3 Blu-ray/DVD volume....
Theatrical follow-up to Haikyuu!! TO THE TOP 2. The first film of Haikyuu!! FINAL. The Spring Nationals tournament continues on, with Karasuno High matched against rivals Nekoma High, the fated battle...
Theatrical follow-up to Haikyuu!! TO THE TOP 2. The first film of Haikyuu!! FINAL.The Spring Nationals tournament continues on, with Karasuno High matched against rivals Nekoma High, the fated ba...
The third season of Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Kyuukei Jikan (Break Time)....
The third season of Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken....
Music exists in our daily lives for granted. But what would happen if music disappeared from the earth? This is a completely original story about Doraemon and his friends who are trying to save the ea...
Azumaya and Takato are set to star in “Blood Wedding,” a two-person play that incorporates flamenco dancing. Takato begins rehearsing but realizes how vast the skill difference is between ...
Masaki Michishita just wanted to visit a public toilet in the park. But then, shortly before reaching his destination, he sees the extremely well-built car mechanic Takakazu Abe sitting on a park benc...
Gol D. Roger was known as the Pirate King, the strongest and most infamous being to have sailed the Grand Line. The capture and death of Roger by the World Government brought a change throughout the w...
The fifth season of Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka.Goddess Festival—A fruit festival that brings the labyrinth city of Orario to life. Goddesses symbolizing fertil...
A feature film summarizing major events from Youkai Watch including footage from episodes 1 and 25 of the original series, as well as 4-Koma-san segments from Youkai Watch♪ and some original content...
Puberty Syndrome—a rumored, mysterious syndrome that only affects those in their puberty. For example, a bunny girl suddenly appeared in front of Sakuta Azusagawa. The bunny girl's real identity...
The year is 20XX. The ninja, who once forged the history of Japan, were scattered across the country during the Meiji Restoration. As these ninja mingled with the other clans, their bloodline thinned,...
Kazuhiko Nukumizu is a high school boy content to blend in with the background mob, until he witnessed his more popular classmate Anna Yanami get dumped by her childhood friend. He felt like he had to...
Naoe-kun, a massage therapist, is about to head home for the day when he’s saddled with a rather strange patient. This lovely lady has emerald eyes, pointy ears, and grew up in the forest–...
Despite its location in a remote region south of the continent of Felnarc, the island of Clayborne is made up of five small countries crowded together and in constant conflict. In the most remote reac...
On the hunt for her missing father, master thief Clay heads off into an unexplored dungeon—but much to her surprise, the dungeon’s caretaker offers her a job! Thievery hasn’t worked ...
Hirono Kenta is your average geeky junior high school student. His childhood obsession has always been Tokusatsu and anime. In fact, he fancies himself as a "Hero of Justice" and often is seen running...
Twenty-year-old former wage slave Yuki Tanaka now works among her idols: the streamers of Live-On, one of Japan’s top VTuber companies. As the gorgeous, polite Awayuki Kokorone, she delivers onl...
Alisa Mikhailovna Kujou is Seiren Private Academy’s “solitary princess.” She’s a half-Russian beauty with silver hair, at the top of her class, student council accountant, and&...
An adventure in another world with cute girls by your side and video game-like powers–sounds like an anime fan’s dream, right? Not so for melancholic author Osamu Dazai, who would quite li...
An anime adaptation of Rick and Morty. Directed by Takashi Sano (Rick and Morty vs. Genocider, Summer Meets God) at Telecom Animation Film, the anime will be an original work, based on themes and even...
After his embarrassing defeat at the hands of a brave hero, the Demon Lord is back and ready for revenge… but after ten years apart, the hero, Max, isn’t the dashing do-gooder the Demon L...
The sometimes happy, sometimes sad, and a tad stressful daily life of "some sort of small, cute creature" known as Chiikawa. Chiikawa enjoys delicious food with bees and rabbits, toils hard every day ...
The slightly strange high school student Murai confessed love to his teacher and otome-game fanatic Tanaka-sensei. She refused by telling him she's not interested in (real-life) long, black-haired boy...