The story centers on a boy named Uro Yamada, and a 17-year old girl named Karon. Both work as part of the "Hero Retirement and Return to Everyday Life Assistance Agency," which takes heroes from anoth...
The world is dying, no longer able to support life. The Ainsworth family can use the Holy Grail to save humanity, but the price of salvation is sacrifice of the magical girl Miyu — but Miyu&rsqu...
The official Twitter account for Nagabe's The Girl from the Other Side: Siúil, a Rún manga revealed on Friday that the manga will get a "longform anime" project. The anime will ship as a...
The second season of Tiger & Bunny. Fighting for peace — and their sponsors — the odd couple of Wild Tiger and Barnaby continue to work as superheroes. But with the number of superher...
The second season of Tiger & Bunny.Fighting for peace — and their sponsors — the odd couple of Wild Tiger and Barnaby continue to work as superheroes. But with the number of super...
The second season of ULTRAMAN. The story heats up as six warriors band together! Ultraman teams up with Seven, Ace, Zoffy, Jack and Taro, and together, the united Ultraman brotherhood takes on a new ...
The second season of ULTRAMAN.The story heats up as six warriors band together! Ultraman teams up with Seven, Ace, Zoffy, Jack and Taro, and together, the united Ultraman brotherhood takes on a n...
After the death of his parents, a young Mirai Kakehashi is left in the care of his abusive relatives. Since then, he has become gloomy and depressed, leading him to attempt suicide on the evening of h...
The war for Paradis zeroes in on Shiganshina just as Jaegerists have seized control. After taking a huge blow from a surprise attack led by Eren, Marley swiftly acts to return the favor. With Zeke&rsq...
After the Earth was destroyed by mysterious alien lifeforms known as the Gauna, surviving remnants of the human race escaped to space in the enormous generation ship Sidonia. Having drifted through sp...
The second film in a duology of Uchuu Senkan Yamato 2205: Aratanaru Tabidachi....
The second cour of Vanitas no Carte. It’s 19th-century Paris, and young vampire Noé hunts for the Book of Vanitas. Attacked by a vampire driven insane, a human doctor called Vani...
Yuuto Matsubara is a 27-year-old man who works in the sales department of a major toy maker, but he isn't able to pursue his dreams, and he feels hollow every day. He's even given up on love with his ...
After the third world war, nations devastated by biological warfare no longer have the ability to protect the wastelands, so the defense of these territories is left to private military companies like...
“Fortune Favors Lady Nikuko” is the heartwarming and moving comedy drama of an unconventional family – a not-so-ordinary mother-and-daughter pair who live their lives to the fullest....
After graduating from high school, Mai Kawai's top priority was to find a job with a stable income to avoid turning out like her father. However, despite having taken a variety of civil service exams,...
Regardless of how students handle the many academic challenges facing them, they all know that there will come a day when they will leave all the hurdles of scholastic achievement behind and tackle th...
Once, the land of Togenkyo was a peaceful land, where humans and yokai lived together. Then, however, men appeared who tried to revive Gyumaoh, the Great Yokai who was slain by the war god Nataku Tais...
The disappearance of the Spearhead Squadron beyond the horizon does little to hide the intensity of the Republic of San Magnolia's endless propaganda. Vladilena Milizé continues to operate as "...
Amakawa Haruto is a young man who died before reuniting with his childhood friend who disappeared five years ago. Rio is a boy living in the slums who wants revenge for his mother who was murdered in ...
The second part of Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season....
The devastation of the Mugen Train incident still weighs heavily on the members of the Demon Slayer Corps. Despite being given time to recover, life must go on, as the wicked never sleep: a vicious de...
Kotarou, a mysterious 4 year old, begins living in an apartment on his own. For some reason, he's perfectly capable of taking care of himself, despite the concerns of his neighbors....
The episode will center around Eris and Ruijerd that takes place during the 5th episode of Part 2. ...
The fourth season of Haikyuu!!...
Once called a fallen powerhouse and known as "Flightless Crows," Karasuno High School has finally taken flight at nationals. With a comprehensive performance against Tsubakihara Academy in their first...
The two-episode anime, adapting chapters from volumes 22 and 23, will first debut at the Jump Festa 2020 event, which runs on December 21 and 22. TOHO animation will ship the original video anime on B...
The sequel to Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These Second. ...
The desperate battle in Kamihama City continues to intensify. With Walpurgis Night changing course for Mitakihara City, all eyes shift toward Embryo Eve—an artificial being, currently dormant, t...
Bong Gi used to have dreams of making something of his life. But now all that seems like a distant memory. He has become fat, lazy, unemployed, and altogether unlovable. In the real world, people are ...