In the near future, a violent battle takes place between the dimension La'cryma (protector of humanity) and the dimension Shangri-La, bent on the annihilation of all space-time. A group known as the D...
The continuation of Hakuoki. The Edo Era has ended after 260 years of history and the Meiji Era begins. However, bitter strife still continues between the soldiers of the new government and former To...
The year is 1863 and as Japan's long festering wounds of political discord erupt into violent waves of street clashes and murder, the Tokugawa Shogunate sends a new force of masterless samurai called ...
This OVA takes place in between episodes 8 and 9 of the first season of Hakuouki. Yukimura Chizuru goes on a reconnaissance mission in Shimabara as a geiko for the Shinsengumi. Each episode unfolds th...
Syaoran, Sakura, Kurogane, Fai and Mokona's journey through to different world's continue as they search for Sakura's feathers. The fated journey slowly becomes more complicated for our travelers, as ...
This OVA takes place in between episodes 8 and 9 of the first season of Hakuouki.Yukimura Chizuru goes on a reconnaissance mission in Shimabara as a geiko for the Shinsengumi. Each episode unfolds the...
Jiyu Nanohana is an ordinary schoolgirl until she runs across a scatterbrained 300 year old samurai who tells her that she is the reincarnation of Yagyu Jubei. With the help of the "Lovely Eyepatch" s...
Jun Sakurada, a middle school shut-in refuses to go to school after being traumatized by an embarrassing incident at school. One day, he receives a letter asking "yes or no", and chose "yes", meeting ...
Three hundred years ago, in the frigid land of Siberia, Jubei Yagyu engaged in a fierce battle with Kitaretsusai of the Northern Yagyu clan. The duel was costly, as his daughter Freesia was frozen in ...
Hitotose Chitose was always alone and untrusting of people but when 5 female teachers appear and started living together with him in his family's house as his mothers, things started to change and pic...
In the year 2048, people are raving about a fighting race called “Immortal Grand Prix”, or IGPX in short, which is faster and more exciting than any of the existing motor sports. The pheno...
Tony Stark, CEO of a large weapons manufacturer, physicist, engineer, and brilliant inventor, is wounded by shrapnel from one of his own weapons. While held captive by terrorists, he develops the Iron...
12-year-old Misaki Suzuhara has just gotten involved in Angelic Layer, a battling game using electronic dolls called angels. Even as a newbie, Misaki shows advanced skills as she meets new friends and...
In the year 2059, the earth has been plagued by aliens for several years. In an effort to learn more about these aliens, Dr. Noguchi and his assistants Maki Agata and Takuto Kaneshiro try to revive th...
Fuguno Matsuo has never had a girlfriend all his 22 years in life and what makes things worse is that a fortune teller predicted that he never will. However, when he laid his eye on Nagisa-sensei he f...
Yume de Aetara is a story about one guy Fuguno Masuo (a complete loser when it comes to relationship with women) and two girls: Shiozaki Nagisa and Hamaoka Miho. Since the story is pretty simple (and ...
Shu is a typical Japanese boy, but has an unbeatable, optimistic and determined attitude. However, when he sees a mysterious girl with strange eyes named Lala-Ru up on a smokestack, he is soon pulled ...
As the relationship between Mahoro, Suguru and his classmates develops further, another android girl enters their lives and becomes attached to Mahoro. All the while, the number of days before Mahoro ...
In a story set years in the past, Himura Yuu is a studious and diligent young man intent solely on maintaining his top academic position at Otowa Academy. One day, he meets a mysterious girl named Ama...
"Negotiation means, you turn words into weapons" This is the realization of the popular comic Yu-go that was published in Kondasha Afternoon Magazine over a period of 10 years. Beppu Yuugo is the worl...
Any network runs all over the world, and the development of the information network reaches its acme. In this age, there are two developed worlds; "the real world" and "wired", or the virtual network ...
In their continuing journey to find the feathers that are the fragments of Sakura's lost memory, Syaoran, Kurogane, Fai, and Sakura move through time and space with Mokona. Here, they visit the "Land ...
Evil Shinma (shape-shifting monsters and vampires) roam the Earth on a mission to unleash their darkness upon the Human race. Miyu Royal Princess from the dark is the Chosen One—the one being wh...
Ayato Kamina was separated from the girl he loved, Haruka Mishima, when an event occurred that was thought to have killed everyone outside of Tokyo. But one day three years later, invaders suddenly at...
Pacifica Casull is the most feared and hated person by the followers of the God Mauser. Known as the Scrapped Princess, she is the poison that will destroy the world. To avoid being killed by the zeal...
Born from a much loved, but lowly ranked concubine, Genji Hikaru is called the Shining Prince and is the beloved second son of the Emperor. Although he cannot be an heir to the throne of his father, G...
"Negotiation means, you turn words into weapons" This is the realization of the popular comic Yu-go that was published in Kondasha Afternoon Magazine over a period of 10 years. Beppu Yuugo is the wo...
Miho Shinohara is a care-free third-grader and an aspiring manga artist. One day, she encounters Mogu and Pigu - two lost fairies disguised as stuffed animals. In exchange for staying at her home unti...