Fourth dormitory of the Rat Production (commonly known as Nezumi-sou)—the place where dropout idol girls live: the former child actor Sekino Roko, musician Nukui Hayu, and model Maehara Nina. Sa...
To celebrate the fifth anniversary of Bushiroad's mobile rhythm game BanG Dream! Girls Band Party!, a two-episode special anime will be aired and streamed simultaneously. The story of the special an...
Nijigasaki High School is located in Odaiba, Tokyo. The school is popular due to its free school style and diverse majors. The story centers on the members of school idol club in Nijigasaki, and their...
The final episode of the third season of the BanG Dream! anime revealed on Thursday that the franchise is getting three theatrical films in the next two years. BanG Dream! Episode of Roselia I: Yakuso...
Yuigaoka Girls High School is a newly established school that lies between the Omotesando, Harajuku, and Aoyama neighborhoods of Tokyo. The story centers on its first batch of students. With no histor...
Nearing their first debut anniversary and with their popularity still on the rise, IDOLiSH7 set a date for a live tour to express their gratitude toward their fans. Meanwhile, the Black or White event...
When the beautiful and mysterious Shion transfers to Keibu High School, she quickly becomes popular for her open-hearted personality and exceptional athletic talent… but she turns out to be an ...
The second season of TSUKIPRO THE ANIMATION....
Hiyori left her hometown to pursue her passion, track and field, by enrolling in Tokyo's Sakuragaoka High School. Looking for a part-time job in Tokyo, she ended up working as an apprentice manager fo...
The United States of America has been in chaos ever since the emergence of D2s, an invasive species originating from a black meteorite that fell to Earth. A public decree banned citizens from playing ...
The second season of Zombie Land Saga.From throughout the ages, a group of legendary girls have become zombie idols to save Saga Prefecture. It's the return of the cutting-edge zombie idol anime!...
"Director! Please help us bloom!" In Tokyo, there is a place called Velude Way. It is a district notorious for its performers and theatrical groups. Izumi Tachibana, who was previously a stage actres...
The fourth season of Aggressive Retsuko....
As a new agency, AiRBLUE's roster consists of voice actresses with absolutely no experience. Expecting to hone their skills and build courage at a gradual pace, the girls are taken aback when the head...
OVA bundled with the Given manga's seventh volume, as a limited edition bonus....
"Starlight" - it's a distant star, long ago, and in the far future. Two girls, who were struck by the light of the stage in this play, exchanged their destinies. "Two people's stars, waiting on stage...
Donuts' Tokyo 7th Sisters smartphone game celebrated its sixth anniversary by announcing a brand-new 70-minute anime adaptation by Toei Animation. Theaters will screen the new anime for a limited "sim...
At Maigahara Music College Affiliate School Maigahara Senior High (abbreviated as MaiMai) that gathers the most promising musical talents, there's a rumor circulating among students. "If you give an a...
An animated movie project announced to commemorate HoneyWorks' 10th anniversary. The movie will center around the story behind male idol unit LIPxLIP, and its members Yujiro and Aizo....
It's here! The big concert! Kasumi Toyama, the girl who followed the trail of golden stars and heard the call of the Star Beat, and her friends/bandmates Saya, Tae, Rimi and Arisa, are now poised on t...
Vampires have existed for centuries and live under the rule of the Scarlet Moon. Once a year, "Visual Prison" occurs, a visual kei competition where the vampire who sings the most beautiful song is be...
The story takes place five years after a mysterious disaster happened that erased major cities around the world. The anime centers on girls who want to be a part of the 3D-holoraphic "Theater Material...
Third season of Kiratto Pri☆chan....
The protagonist of this story, Suzu, is a 17-year old high school girl living with her father in a rural town of Kochi — their town is a textbook definition of depopulation in the Japanese count...
Manaka’s competitive spirit ignites when she discovers ice hockey! Even though she’s a rookie, she’s got her sights set on Nikko City’s hockey team, where girls aim for the top...
Held every summer, the national show "Selection Project" is the biggest gateway for girls who strive to be idols, and the place where the legendary idol Akari Amazawa was born. Suzune Miyama is also o...
The second season of Love Live! Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai. ...
Fate and reincarnation deliver brilliant military strategist, Kongming, from warring, ancient China to Japan’s modern party hot spot in Shibuya City, Tokyo. After a lifetime of battles and milit...
Mankai Company is a far cry from its glory days as an all-male theater. With only one member left and debt collectors at the door, it’s no wonder Izumi Tachibana finds herself in over her head w...
An established discipline on par with conventional medical approaches, "vocal medicine" is the practice of using songs to treat health conditions and injuries. Young people around the world strive to ...