The three Kisugi sisters —Rui, Hitomi and Ai— during the day run a small cafe called "Cat's Eye". To discover the whereabouts of their father, the artist Michael Heintz, who has disappeare...
A one-hour special that aired after a month of the series' absence on television between episodes 23 and 24. Kindaichi will have to investigate in a hospital where series of murder happen....
Adaptation of Persona 4's remake video game, Persona 4 The Golden. The story retells the events of the original while featuring a new character, Marie....
A deadly virus known as "Algernon" has attacked humanity with vicious meaning. At the forefront of the battle is the mystifying Akamatsu Industries - disguised as a heavy machine factory in Tokyo, thi...
Ayumu Narumi's older brother Kiyotaka, a renowned detective and piano player, disappears all of a sudden. The only clue Narumi has, are the Blade Children. Two years later a row of murders and inciden...
Loosely based on the "Sherlock Holmes" series by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, Sherlock Hound turns all the classic characters into dogs. The canine Sherlock Holmes, his assistant Watson, and housemaid Mrs....
Taichi Keaton is a half-British half-Japanese archeologist and SAS veteran of the Falklands War. He solves mysteries and investigates insurance fraud for Lloyd's around the world....
Anna, a young girl living in Sapporo, is having trouble with her classmates. Due to asthma attacks, a doctor suggests that Anna move somewhere more relaxing. After moving to the countryside to her fam...
In the country of Gazth-Sonika, civil war rages. There, a mercenary called Madlax plies her trade, with almost supernatural skill. In the seemingly peaceful country of Nafrece, Margaret Burton lives a...
It's been announced that a new Detective Conan anime special project is launching. The "astonishing collaboration" is titled "Edogawa Conan Shissou Jiken: Shijou Saiaku no Futsukakan" (The Disappearan...
The ultimate virtual reality trip! The world literally unravels for a group of Tokyo teens as they attempt to discover the truth surrounding the death of one of their friends. Everything turns inside ...
Takeya Yuki is in love with the school. For her, it's a wonderful place, where she enjoys her school activities, especially the activities of her club: School Life Club. The club has Rii-chan as the p...
Second cours of the second Durarara!! season....
After what appears to be just another ordinary day, middle school student Yoshio Kobayashi wakes up in his classroom to make a terrifying discovery: his teacher has been mutilated, and Yoshio happens ...
When the Majin awakes from the depths of darkness, the deity of fate selects six heroes and bequeaths them with the power to save the world. Adlet, a boy who proclaims himself the strongest man in the...
Half a year after the turmoil that rocked the entire city of Ikebukuro, peace has once again returned to the city, and people are living each day normally. The high school students enjoy their days of...
In modern day Tokyo, society lives in fear of Ghouls: mysterious creatures who look exactly like humans -- yet hunger insatiably for their flesh. None of this matters to Ken Kaneki, a bookish and ordi...
After death, humans go to either heaven or hell. But for some, at the instant of their death, they arrive at Quindecim, a bar attended by the mysterious white-haired Decim. He challenges them to the D...
There have been many cases of stolen songs happening among the idols in Yokohama District recently. Even super idol Marine Amagi's hit song "Kiseki no Uta" was taken away. At the request of Marine, th...
A near future, where humans have been defeated by the viral parasites named Gastrea. They have been exiled into a small territory and live in despair, side-by-side in terror.In this world trapped in d...
Ryuu Yamada is a second year student at Suzaku High. Ryuu is always late for school, naps in class and gets abysmal grades. His life is a dead bore. The beautiful Urara Shiraishi, on the other hand, i...
18th Century, France. Lia de Beaumont, loyal servant of Versailles and its King, Louis XV, is found dead in the river Seine. Floating inside a coffin, on which the word "Psalms" was written, her body ...
In search for Araki Genzo, George Kodama finds himself in the small town of Kimujuku. George quickly realizes that he is unwelcome and is warned to leave as soon as possible. With two rival syndicates...
An anime adaptation of the smartphone game that features a character named Holmes in London, but against his name, he is a private detective who dose not reason, or not even explain mysteries. However...
When he was a child, Murakami was infatuated with a girl he called Kuroneko. She insisted on knowing about aliens and having met them, but no one believed her, even young Murakami was skeptical. One d...
Unaired episode 11.5 included with the second Blu-ray/DVD volume....
Jigen tells the story of the gang's first meeting. Jigen, still a member of the Mafia, is hired to protect an ancient artifact - one that Lupin and Fujiko are both trying to steal. Meanwhile, Inspecto...
Second season in the Kaitou Joker anime series.The thief Mysterious Joker doesn't just steal things. An audacious and elusive miracle-maker, he travels the world searching for treasure with ...
A group of 15 elite high school students are gathered at a very special, high class high school. To graduate from this high school essentially means you'll succeed in life, but graduating is very diff...
The four Ryudo brothers hold an ancient secret - they are descended from the dragons. They have the speed, strength and power of their legendary ancestors - and they're getting stronger. But when pu...
In an isolated region of Kyushu lies the town of Suiten. Though seeming small and modest, Suiten is not a picturesque place for a vacation, unless it is from the "Unseen World." Taro, Makoto, and Masa...
Six years have passed since Rion discovered his own identity as an artificial being, yet succeeded in destroying the genocidal Mother Computer, Dorothy, before perishing himself. Now reactivated by Li...
Kaitou Kid and Vincent van Gogh's artworks feature heavily in the movie, according to an interview with Gosho Aoyama. The teaser preview at the end of Dimensional Sniper included references to van Gog...
Twelve-year old Aoyagi Ritsuka is left with his insane mother as his only family when his brother, Seimei, is killed suddenly. After moving to a new school, he meets Agatsuma Soubi, who claims to have...