The "new sibling romantic comedy" revolves around Masamune Izumi, a light novel author in high school. Masamune's little sister is Sagiri, a shut-in girl who hasn't left her room for an entire year. S...
On November 22, 2010 ten missiles strike Japan. However, this unprecedented terrorist act, later to be known as "Careless Monday," does not result in any apparent victims, and is soon forgotten by alm...
Five hundred years have passed since humanity went extinct at the hands of the fearsome "Beasts." Even up in the sky, where the surviving races dwell on floating islands, these monstrosities constantl...
Nino, a girl who likes to sing, experienced two farewells in the past. First, with her first love, Momo, and second, with Yuzu, a boy who composes music. But upon those two farewells, she made a promi...
Kenka Banchou Otome - Girl Beats Boys, Hinako Nakayama has spent all of her life being raised in state-run orphanages, without ever knowing her family. As she's about to enter high school, Hinako is a...
Sophie, a quiet girl working in a hat shop, finds her life thrown into turmoil when she is literally swept off her feet by a handsome but mysterious wizard named Howl. The vain and vengeful Witch o...
Kazamatsuri, a modern, well-developed city renowned for its burgeoning greenery and rich Japanese culture, is home to Kotarou Tennouji, a high schooler least privy to the place's shared values. Conten...
The second season of the Rewrite series....
Bundled with the 11th and 12th volumes of the manga. The OAD adapted the manga's chapter 17 from the fourth volume, where Miia, Cerea, Mero, and Kurusu go to the gym's pool....
Mitsuha Miyamizu, a high school girl, yearns to live the life of a boy in the bustling city of Tokyo—a dream that stands in stark contrast to her present life in the countryside. Meanwhile in th...
There are some humans capable of using magical power to manifest their souls as weapons and control forces beyond normal comprehension. These people are known as Blazers, and those who are recognized ...
Yawara helps a group of timid grade school kids overcome their fears and compete in a judo competition. One of the kids is Hanazono's cousin, which is how she meets them. Another is a girl who seems a...
Following Natsuki Enomoto's confession rehearsals with Yuu Setoguchi, their younger siblings Kotarou and Hina struggle to confess their own love. Despite a disastrous first meeting in middle school wi...
He woke up in a familiar world that has vastly changed. His school has become a school that teaches magic, encouraging everyone to become a mighty magician. Outside the city, many wandering magical be...
Yuu Haruna just moved into town and loves to use Twitter. Out on his way to buy dinner, he bumps into a mysterious girl, Fuuka Akitsuki, who breaks his phone thinking he was trying to take a picture o...
Seventeen-year-old Mugi Awaya and Hanabi Yasuraoka appear to be the ideal couple. They are both pretty popular, and they seem to suit each other well. However, outsiders don't know of the secret they ...
As a child, Masamune Makabe once suffered greatly at the hands of a wealthy and beautiful girl named Aki Adagaki, who nicknamed him "Piggy" due to his chubby appearance. Seeking revenge against his to...
Second season of Super Lovers....
Brother and younger sister-in-law live in the house which parents are often away from. Yuki who is the younger sister is secretly yearning for Kenji who is the elder brother. However, one girl came to...
A devil sends two cities; Kujukuri City in Chiba Prefecture and Dallas in the U.S., to ten thousand years ahead in the future, makes them fight each other, and enjoys watching over the fight. The devi...
A hot-blooded high school teen, a mysterious female swordsman, and an unpredictable dark emo girl. It's impossible to distinguish between reality and the game world! What kind of conspiracy is awaitin...
Shizuku Ishiai, a second year middle school student, loves dancing, but is bad at expressing herself, so she crossdresses and posts videos of her dances on the popular website "Smile Douga," under the...
Second season of Gakusen Toshi Asterisk....
Life in the bustling city of Orario is never dull, especially for Bell Cranel, a naïve young man who hopes to become the greatest adventurer in the land. After a chance encounter with the lonely ...
Koe no Katachi DVD and BD release is by late february 2017. Ishida Shouya bullies a deaf girl, Nishimiya Shouko, to the point that she transfers to another school. As a result, he is ostracized and bu...
Kinji is a junior at a high school for mercenaries. He just wants to be normal, but his secret condition—he turns into an ace killer when he's turned on by the female form—triggers a fiery...
The film's story begins when Arata inadvertently touches "Hermes Apocrypha," Lilith's Grimoire. Suddenly, he is enveloped by a bright white light, and a girl appears before him. She calls herself Lili...
Now branded for death and destined to be hunted by demons until the day he dies, Guts embarks on a journey to defy such a gruesome fate, as waves of beasts relentlessly pursue him. Steeling his resolv...
The film will be narrated from the viewpoint of Suwa, as he continues to support Kakeru and Naho's relationship. It will also feature an original story written by the series' original creator Ichigo T...
Some people suddenly find religion, but for 16-year-old Kusanagi GoDo, it's that REALLY old time religion that's found him! As the result of defeating the God of War in mortal combat, GoDo's stuck w...
A Kiss Note is a powerful notebook that makes anyone who has their name written together will instantly fall in love if they kiss each other regardless of any circumstances. This magical and very fami...
Kotarou Azumi and Akane Mizuno became third year students at junior high school and are classmates for the first time. These two, along with fellow classmates, Chinatsu Nishio and Takumi Hira, relate ...
Second season of Berserk. Demons have now become commonplace around the kingdom of Midland, which has fallen into chaos. The swordsman Guts still cannot stay in one place for long due to his ...