The story begins with a threat against the Tokyo governor, but Conan's quick thinking prevents any fatalities when a subway tunnel is blown up. Conan learns there may be a connection to a village that...
The story deals with those in this world who dwell in the dark, invisible to the naked eye. From time to time, these figures bare their fangs and attack people. Inferno Cop is a messenger of justice w...
Kaitou Kid announces to the police that he intends to steal the Russian Imperial Easter Egg, which is currently being held in Osaka. As Conan pursues his rival, he discovers that there's more to this ...
Taking the original story of Detective Conan, this first Conan film follows his adventures as he struggles to find and capture a mad bomber who's loose in his home town. Chasing bomb after bomb, Conan...
A scan of the upcoming issue of Monthly Comic Zenon magazine, revealed that City Hunter will be receiving a new OVA adaptation. It will be bundled with the release of the new version of the manga, Cit...
The typical Kochikame plot involves Ryo-san coming up with a money-making scheme by inventing a new gadget or capitalizing on a fad, achieving great success, calling on Nakagawa's help as things turn ...
In the year 2029, the barriers of our world have been broken down by the net and by cybernetics, but this brings new vulnerability to humans in the form of brain-hacking. When a highly-wanted hacker k...
The heavily cyborged police officer Batou, newly partnered with the mostly-human Togusa after the diappearance of Major Motoko Kusanagi, is assigned to investigate a series of murders committed by pro...
Kudou Shinichi is living his life as Edogawa Conan, but those days seem to might end pretty soon. The Black Syndicate is coming dangerously close to learning the truth about Shinichi having survived. ...
After an interaction with J-League professional players, Conan and co watches the big match between Tokyo Spirits and Gamba Osaka, only to find out that a bomb has been planted in the stadium. It is n...